Market Accents is a unique firm – it develops thought leadership, strategic thinking and direction. It specialises in strategic marketing, research, branding, PR and communications, encompassing knowledge, hands-on projects and insights honed over three decades of experience in blue chip companies, larger and medium sized businesses in the UK and internationally. It is particulary concerned about trade, gender and sustainability.
Led by Noreen Cesareo, Founder and Principal in London, with Gordon Cesareo as the Creative Director in Milan and associate experts and consultants located internationally, Market Accents is supported by an international network of strategic partners. Not afraid to challenge the status quo, we provide ideas and big-company expertise to businesses, using a host of tools and specific methodologies which are all tried and tested.
We are fluent in digital media, new technologies and international cultures, and are strong advocates of gender, inclusion and ESG.
We are totally focused on you, our customer.
We are determined to create superior value and find individual market space for your business.
We want to make your brands come alive and live on in your customers’ minds.
Our approach is efficient and effective. Where possible, we use your resources to keep costs down and introduce an entrepreneurial and learning culture that makes managing your offers and markets easier and faster. If required, we are here to mentor you and your team, ensuring there is a customer-focused legacy and a knowledge-bank of market intelligence and customer insights.
At Market Accents we believe that networks support and help the business community grow and we are proud to be drivers in this field. We collaborate with other businesses, and actively support and participate in major business communities internationally, ensuring the ecosystem is thriving and sustainable.