The MD of an established personal and professional training and development consultancy approached Market Accents to assist in clarifying the messages he was using to communicate the company’s identity and positioning in its target markets.
The skills training and development market is highly saturated. There is a lack of accreditation and a large number of “self-trained” practitioners. Although the MD had enjoyed a long period of growth as an expert in the field, it was important to distinguish both his status as a recognised expert and the company’s expertise from the rest of the market.
Market Accents worked with the MD to understand the particular accent of the consultancy. We extracted the essence, drawing on the mission and the many testimonials given by clients over the years. We then identified the personality and differential values that we could work into a positioning statement.
As the MD said: “The exercise was a journey in itself. We first examined how my company operated, what we sought to achieve with our various clients and how we went about it. She was most thorough, asking in-depth questions which made me examine and revisit the reasons why I had set up the company years ago. The exercise not only assisted me in my communications but it prompted me into further developing my vision for growth. I will be reviewing my strategy with Market Accents’ assistance.“
Our Success: The MD was so impressed with the resultant essence and positioning statements that he has asked us to speak to his industry peers.